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August Apples


Simon Pierse, August Apples, oil on linen, 2021

Now we are just a month from Christmas and the Christmas TV ads have already started, Summer seems like a very long time ago. I remember it as hot and long. Here in Aberystwyth I gauge the summer each year by how many times we got to swim in the sea, and in 2021 it was quite a few.

Summer came early and rjpened the apples on the trees in our garden sooner than expected. By August they were already rosy red and beginning to fall in noisy thumps onto the corrugated roof of our shed. In past years, my daughter Sally and I have crushed the apples into pulp and made gallons of pink apple juice to chill in the fridge for breakfast.

This year I painted the apples from an easel set up in the garden. August Apples took about ten days to paint. It will be on show in the Mixed Christmas Exhibition at Russell Gallery, London from Friday 3rd December until 5th February 2022.

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